Sunday 12 February 2017

I Want To Be

"If you can DREAM it,
YOU can DO IT!"
- Walt Disney -

I am sharing this lovely book by author Yvette Pais titled, "I Want To Be" with you. This book uses the letters of the alphabet to introduce children to all the wonderful career choices that are available to them. After my first reading of the book upon receiving it I had so many ideas of how this book could be used within the classroom. I feel that this book would be appropriate for any Kindergarten and Primary classroom. I read the book to our Kindergarten class and they really enjoyed all the career examples for each alphabet letter. They began to discuss their ideas for several of the career choices and made connections between the book and their own life experiences. Below I have shared a few pages from within the book. 

As I read the book to the children I would pause and let the children finish the sentence using the rebus picture. Our students would also help me read the repeating part of each sentence using their sight word knowledge.

I also like how Yvette used such wonderful descriptive words to describe each career. In an older grade I could see how this would inspire some creative writing and perhaps introduce the children to adjectives and alliteration. 

As an extension activity for the story. I would offer the children an opportunity to create puppets in the art studio. Our children certainly talked about each puppet and what they noticed about them as I read the story. This book has so many jumping off points for discussion.  I hope that it inspires you to have a discussion with your child about what interests them.  

This is the back cover of the book and I love the way Yvette shares her vision for the book here. I also want to thank Yvette so very much for sending the book to me. I look forward to adding this book to our classroom reading area and seeing what explorations await us. 

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