Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Languages of Learning the newest hashtag!

#Languages of Learning

Sharing a love of learning!

Welcome to the newest hashtag
#Languages of Learning 

We are deeply rooted in the Reggio Emilia philosophy of education which celebrates the capabilities of children through their many languages. I would like to share with you a bit about how we began the Languages of Learning Journey. We began when Susan Wright from Nurtured Inspirations and I met several years ago. Susan shares her philosophical foundations on guiding and nurturing children in life and learning with practical ways on how to bring this into your everyday experiences with children. Since then there have been many hours of pedagogical dialogue and sharing of ideas and dreams. 

Our dream is to share our passion for nurturing children in the early years. We will help you and your child's everyday life so that the moments you share with your children are filled with creativity, wonder and joy. 

Visit the #languagesoflearning on Instagram to connect with like-minded people raising children in ways that honour their whole-being. Bring your insights, experiences and share your passion for creating a childhood filled with beautiful memories that will enhance children's lives. We welcome you to join this creative and inspiring community. 

With the launch of the Languages of Learning Facebook Page we couldn't be more thrilled with all the connections we've made with other amazing educators through social media. We would like to personally thank each and every one of you that has joined us in educational dialogue and thinking. 

"The artistic languages and poetic 
languages allow the other subject matters 
and disciplines to develop in a terrain
that's very fertile for development
of a more human kind of knowledge
where rationality, expressiveness, 
and emotion are all linked."
Vea Vecchi

Here is a peek into Susan's beautiful atelier which supports her student's creativity and inquiry.

We cannot wait to journey with you 
in supporting creative thinking 
through play with your child or classroom. 

If you would like to contact us
we would love to hear from you at: 

Let's connect!


 Creatively Yours,