Monday 8 January 2018

The Beauty of a Rose

"Everything has beauty,
but not everyone sees it."

As we document children within our Kindergarten program I am always amazed at the depth of their ability to see the beauty around them. Their wonder and awe at the world which invites them to engage in a dialogue of creating understanding. As the children enter into relationship with the materials in their environment they begin a process of observing, exploring, discovering, and then rethinking and reimagining ideas. Children often repeat, rework, reconsider, and then make new connections to previous ideas to represent their thinking in a multitude of ways. This was evident throughout this inquiry into the beauty of a rose. Allowing the children time to move through this process at their own pace was paramount to authentically moving their thinking forward. The children were offered support and guidance in response to their daily explorations. Through artistic creation, their image of the rose became visible to those who could see its beauty. Below is the documentation collected to preserve the children's thinking for reflection and celebration of their learning.